Sunday, 20 March 2016

Evaluation Task 3 - Audience Feedback

From our feedback we found out that our trailer reminded other people of the trailer 'Taken 3' and 'The Lovely Bones'. This is because Lovely Bones does a similar trick to us, where the young victim is shown as innocent in a happy world represented by the bike ride with her family, going to school and having a normal everyday life. However like our trailer this shortly fades when we are introduced to a protagonist and the audience find out the young victim has been murdered. Therefore, it was similar in the juxtaposition of happiness emphasising the sadness. With Taken 3 the comments concluded that the way we used our titles reminded them of this trailer as the titles included key words that involved telling the story. These are successful as it makes it clear to the audience what is going on. As well as this in the last bit it used fast paced editing, like ours, to add a more dramatic effect.

The strengths of our trailer from the feedback involve the camera work. For example, they liked the use of match on action which made the trailer look more professional and that this was successful with the correct trimming of each shot. Another strength involved the non-diegetic and diegetic sound. For example, the non-diegetic sound was layered over the trailer in order to match the timing of the piano making it look like the man was creating the sound. This was effective as the people said that our timing was exact making the trailer look very efficacious. The main aim for our group was to make our trailer dramatic, which horror genres should be. We also incorporated the titles to fit in with the 'bangs' of the sound to make this standout and for our trailer to look more advanced. This added structure to our trailer and was a great success in engaging the audience and adding excitement to 'coming soon'. We were also complimented on our mis-en-scene in the fact the young victim was wearing school clothes representing her vulnerability. As well as this her clothing was blue which connotes sadness, which could add to the sympathy the audience feel for this young girl. This contrasts with the protagonist who is wearing all black clearly showing he is danger.

In the comments there was also constructive criticism which we found was key as it was good to take on board and improve. For example, it was stated that at the end of the trailer the camera should have been focused on the character of the girls face for longer to add emphasis to the enigma of what was going to happen next, giving the audience more time to think about it. Another weakness was the fact that the beginning was quite slow which could possibly mean it takes the audience longer to get into it. Therefore, by making it a bit more upbeat we could engage the audience faster which is successful for a trailer. Finally, due to only having time to film in certain parts of the day we could not adhere to the lighting of the genre in the outside shots. For example, it would be much more eerie if the shots were taken at night time instead of in the day.

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